Sunday, November 29, 2009

Name Game Clue #3


You have to have a good 'yelling name', so a child’s middle name is pretty important too.

We like the whole single-syllable middle name thing. Worked for Meg, worked for Maddie...



Anonymous said...

These clues are HARD! Okay,middle name guesses this week are Jeanne, Anne, and Beth. First name,I'm going again with Catherine, Elizabeth, and Jennifer.
Nana :-)

Brenda said...

Let's go with Ann (or Anne) for the middle name guess.
And I have no first name guess since there is no clue for it. :)

Brenda said...

Ok, since Nana and I posted at almost the same time, and both said Anne, I think that should be the middle name. And if it isn't you should change it for us!!

Megella said...

Well gee, if BRENDA says so...

Lori Widney said...

Ok, I didn't weigh in on Maddie's b/c it was just too overwhelming - I jumped in late and didn't know where to begin. But with a new baby comes new chances!
Here is my guess for the first and middle names of beautiful baby D'Errico -
Isabelle Jane

Hope all is well with you, Bob and Maddie!

Monnayeur said...

Ann/Anne IS a good middle name. "Don't Name Your Baby" says, "Since this will undoubtedly be your choice for her middle name (it's everyone else's), maybe you should avoid it for a first name for fear you'll accidentally name your girl Anne Anne." :-)

Cyndee said...

Oh, by the way, "Monnayeur" is actually Rebecca, who did not make that comment, I did. She was on my computer....

Shannon said...

I'm going with Lynne for the middle name after her Nana. I think it has nice yellability. Still going with McKenzie for the first name but I'm changing my nicname to Mickey. I once had a Mickey in my jr. high youth group. She was the cutest.
If this isn't the name you picked I think you should yell, "Mckenzie Lynne D'Errico" 5 times because it really works:)

CaitRenee said...

Squeaker McGee.

CaitRenee said...

Abigail Anne D'Errico. Allison Paige D'errico. Burrito Chalupa Rodrigez.

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