
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
We hope everybody has a lovely day of Turkey-Goodness.
Just a few of our many blessings for which we are ever Thankful:
Our beautiful girls, and the joy they bring us daily.
Our loving and funny family; full of warmth, generosity, and just a pinch of bizarre, they are always there for us.
Those bag-clip snappy things from Ikea that have simplified kitchen life.
Fold-down seats in the mini-van.
Healthcare reform.
The Daily Show.
Christmas Music.
Bob's new job, and the ability we both have to go to work and do something we love.
A-1 sauce (this is more a Meg thing).
"Cool Cars" (Mario Kart Wii).
A country where being born white and rich isn't a prerequisite for being president.
Students who practice.
Sandra Boynton books. Ooooh, snuggle puppy of mine...
Weekend mornings spent in jammies.
Mulan, because she can kick the other princess's @$$!
National Public Radio.
Pumpkin Spice Coffee creamer.
- For bulleted lists.
- For a potty-trained kid.
- For a heart-healthy baby.
- For knowing that there are far more good people in the world than bad.
- For the random child who hugs a random teacher "just cause".
- For people who love my kids as I do.
- For fabulous books and the time to read (some of) them.
- For a husband who is even more than the sum of his "Dad", "Husband", "Teacher", "Friend", "Love of My Life" labels.
- For meeting so many good people who heap love on sick kids as much as do their mothers.
- For teachers who think about their students as if they were their own kids.
- For cheese of all varieties.
- For showing my youngest snow on Thanksgiving morning while her sister twirls in it, outside, in her jammies.
All of the above, pretty much, and just a few additions:
- From preparing ridiculous amounts of stuffing, to teaching instrumental music: for being able to branch out and try something new.
- Friends and family who love and
put up with ussupport us through old and new endeavors. - Improved health and happiness for a lot of people I know, including my own little family.
- My own little family, and for PBS kids being on TV Thanksgiving morning.
- Oooh, I gotta have 5? I'm going right back to that Pumpkin Spice creamer.
Thank Goodness.
And just because it's wrong:
This is why I will make the stuffing, but not the turkey.
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