Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thanksgiving Bowl

Come on people, what's your 
Turkey Day I. Q.?  
Send me your answers on facebook or in the comments section.  Some questions may have more than one correct answer, 
because I'm Just. That. Good.
WINNER and answers to be announced sometime closer to Thanksgiving, when I get a minute.  

1. How long were those poor Pilgrims at sea?
A) 66 days
B) 77 days
C) Until the moon was in the 7th house and Jupiter aligned with Mars.
D) Are we there yet?  Miles just did verily puketh in mine Pilgrim hat.

2. The Mayflower: Pilgrims only, or a sea-shuttle for lots of non-puritan folks?
A) Infidels? On board the Mayflower??  Casteth ye out, Satan!
B) Yes, but only enough non-Pilgrims to munch on, should food get a little scarce.
C) Pilgrims and Puritans aren't actually the same religious sect. Get it right.
D) There was a whole mess of people going, the Pilgrims just came along too.

3. What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?
A) 1621
B) 2003.  Oh, wait! That was our first Mock Thanksgiving (8 years running!)
C) The year I discovered you can put sausage in stuffing.  So, 2002?
D) 1924

4.  What food was NOT included in the Pilgrims' 3-day feast?
A) Sausage stuffing. Phooey.
B) Schwalm's Family Restaurant pumpkin pie, much to Dr. Sweigart's chagrin.
C) Green bean cassarole.
D) All of the above.

5. Were Indians invited to the Pilgrim's first feast?
A) They were, but it was strictly BYOB.
B) Just one, for the picture.  Like a college brochure.
C) Yes.
D) No, they were busy Christmas shopping that day, but they sent their regards.

6. The potato is America's most beloved veggie. Why didn't the Pilgrims whip up some mashed potatoes for their big dinner?
A) Because good Pilgrims knoweth any plant from the nightshade family to be deadly.
B) Because nobody brought their stand mixer to the New World.
C) Because the potato is the devil's root.
D) Because they were watching their carbs.  Pass the bird.

7. What is the oldest information source possessed today that documents the first Thanksgiving?
A) The colony newsletter.
B) A letter written from one Pilgrim describing the feast.
C) The stone tablets that Sir Moses Standish held up in that movie.
D) Wikipedia.
8.  Which Christmas Carol was actually written to celebrate Thanksgiving?
A) Jingle Bells.  But not the Steisand version. *Shudder*
B) O Holy Night.
C) All I Want for Christmas is My Passage Back to England.
D) Deck the Halls.

9. Which country first adopted Thanksgiving as a national holiday?
A) The United States of Butterball.  Otherwise known as America.
B) England.
C) Canada, but they do it in October so it's less of "Christmas: the Preamble".
D) Amuricuh.  We're first at everything cause we're the finest nayshun on earth. It's our "strategery".

10.  What is the scientific name for the turkey?
A) Gobblus Wattlecus
B) Meleagaris Gallopave
C) Halyomorpha Halys
D) Passadi Gravys

11.  What is Meg's favorite Thanksgiving food?
A) Un-candied Sweet potatoes - so nutrient rich and lower-carb!
B) Salad, because one should be careful to include various types of greens at each meal.
C) Cranberry sauce, out of the can, by the spoonful.
D) Two words: Clam. Dip.
12.  What is Bob's favorite Thanksgiving food?
A) Everything but the green beans.
B) The green beans.
C) Gravy.
D) Gravy.

13.  What is Miss M's favorite Thanksgiving food?
A) M&Ms.
B) Mashed potatoes.
C) Blanched garlic asparagus spears with lemon zest.
D) Turkey nuggets.

14. What is E's favorite Thanksgiving food?
A) Gerber puffs, sweet potato flavor. How festive!
B) Similac Advance.
C) Whatever you're eating. Gimme that!
D) Um, her last Thanksgiving meal came through the umbilical cord, how should she know?

15.  What's the best aspect of Thanksgiving?
A) Overeating, all day.
B) Nooooooo schoooooooolllll!!!!!
C) Sharing a joyous holiday with family and remembering that we are truly blessed.
D)  We can finally listen to Christmas Music!

That's all folks! Enjoy your turkey and comment/send in your answers.  


DrFinale said...


Anonymous said...

Says Caitlin....
1. A- more like 65 days, duh
2. C/D- they were called Separatists (thanks Navotni)
3. A- but ol' Abe made it a national thing
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. Dirty Brits
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. A or B
14. A
15. E all of the above

Megella said...

VERY nice, dear. You win.
Your prize is NOT to have to smell clam dip on my breath all day tomorrow.

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