"Ow, ow ow ow ow OW". The sound of sciatica. That's been less fun of late - especially when it strikes mid-class; One minute you can walk, the next you would really rather crawl. Other than that, there has been and will be no Brittney dancing. Banned it, actually.
It's definitely harder to move, sleep, get out of the car, etc. Huh. I forgot about this part. You know, where moving is more effort than it's worth? Unfortunately, last time around I could be fairly certain of a little couch time when I got home from bopping till I dropped at work. Now? Not so much. It's a little different with a potty-training 3 year-old. Oh, I didn't mention the potty-training last time?
Didn't want to jinx myself I guess. We started on the 1st, with the mindset that she is more than ready and able, just not willing. And we were right. She spent several days fighting (and I mean fighting tooth and nail and punching and lip-pulling.) I think - please God! -that she's figured out that we're not caving, and it is infinitely easier to just sit down and GO, get your sticker and 2 M&M's, and get back to playing. Again, it's only been a week, but it's looking good. Very few accidents compared to what I expected - another sign that she was more than ready. And at least we know now that she's in for no trouble when it comes to possible future playground fights. Omigod. "IdoNOTwantastickerIwillNOTgopottyIwillgoinmyPANTIES!"
Just in time for Little Sis to come and do the diaper dance. You know what? Maddie had her time (and about another 6 months), you come bring on those nappies little girl.
Little D's growth again could be fine, or it could be slightly ahead, and that isn't likely to be of major concern. (89th percentile and they order inducing at 90th...yay!) However, Mommies like to fret and so I'm doing just that...just a little bit. I was WAY more careful and consistent with my blood sugar control with this pregnancy, considering I was ignorant of the problem and did whatever I wanted for the first half of Maddie's. And her tests have all been absolutely fine. Of course, today she decided to sleep through her non-stress test and almost made herself fail it. She got baby-buzzed (that alarm sound they jab you with) several times and was fine.
Although a big tummy isn't a positive sign that she's really big, it's certainly not indicative of a tiny baby. It could actually be a fluke of the way she's laying...sticking her butt out? The thought of delivering early is actually appealing to me, though. This pregnant thing is very nice, but I'm not a "pregnancy is magical" girl. Coldly boiled down, this is a means to an end, and I'm so ready to be done. (Who isn't at this point?) I want my little daughter. This month of limbo between Christmas and maternity leave is seemingly like less and less of a good idea.
Boo. On the upside, her clothes & linens are clean and in her room, ready for her. And the good news is that if she's a little bigger than Maddie she may fit better into those old baby clothes, bought for a baby born 3 months earlier in the school year.
...yeaaaaah, I may start a few emergency lesson plans. Something tells me some poor sub might need them till the real deal gets hired and gets into my room, should I have to leave early. Which I wouldn't cry about.
I have so many thoughts bouncing around in my head, but they all seem to converge on "omg, you've made it to 36 weeks!" I think you're doing wonderfully and as hard as it is now, at least you know it's all worth it and you will have another beautiful baby girl to hold very soon. Thinking of you...
I meant 34 weeks. That was a typo...
That's ok, I told the doctor 33 weeks yesterday by mistake. Time flies...
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