Sunday, December 13, 2009

Name Game Clue #5

As far as we know, at least one of her names has never been used on either side of our family.


Brenda said...

Guinevere, Anastasia, Arabella, Charlotte

oh, and Adelaide--so you can have Maddie and Addie!!

Anonymous said...

So, no Jeanne, Lynn, Rae for her middle name. Because I think her middle name is one syllable. "At least" could mean no Elizabeth for her first name.....hmmmmm.....I'll have to let this week's guess brew a bit!
Love, Nana :-)

Cyndee said...

This week I'll go with Sophia Rae. "Sophie" for the cute nickname. Don't think Sophia is in the family and I'm sure "Sophie's Choice" was a book before a movie.

Vicki T. said...

Kerstin-Kerry, Amanda,Mandy , Briget, how about Iggy?

Vicki T. said...

I have a new and beautiful one--Gremelda--nickname Grammy OK I know better

I still think it's Elizabeth, Bethany, something to do with beth--oh, that's right, didn't one of you know someone or have a student a long time abo named Bethany that you weren't fond of?

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