Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ticker & Picture

Yes, but this time I'll know, even in the wee small hours of the morning, that it ENDS. They do eventually sleep through the night, and so do you. I've been told by several people (one who actually had a medical degree, although he could have been joking) that you either get a good eater who doesn't sleep, or a good sleeper who doesn't eat. Maddie was decidedly the latter. This kid may very well be the other option. Either way, they always sleep eventually. No, this one will.
Yesterday we had a level 1 ultrasound at the ATU. The tech checked the baby's size and development, and said baby looked great. He/She was measuring a few days ahead, but that's of no consequence at all. We got a nice picture, and saw a dozen or so more. The baby was moving and grooving, and we even got to see him/her clapping! The tech had a nice "aireal" view while
she was checking head size, and the baby had his/her hands out in front, bringing them apart
and together a over and over. Love it.

Here's our first real shot of Little D, facing down, legs curled up. No clapping this time, sorry, but a very cute profile:

That's all for now. ~ Meg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A few days ahead?? Wow!

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