Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wanted: Recipes of the low-carb variety.

I know there are better chefs than me out there. Bob is an awesome one, but unfortunately his specialties include pasta dishes (a no for me) and yummy baked goods like cookies (a giant no for me).

SO as I sit on my diabetic tush, munching on my green chile quiche and wishing I'd known that green chiles are WUSS chiles, (glad I brought the tabasco in my lunch box!), I'm hoping for some new recipes. You can only eat salad and quiche so many nights. I figure there are some really good cooks out there who I can ask to share the wealth.

I've gotten a few good ones from some folks already (Thanks Dad and Heidi!) but I always need more. Plus there the whole matter of Bob not eating anything that resembles a vegetable unless it's coated in cheese or dressing.

Please send me any good low-carb recipes you have. Links, email, or right here in the comments. That would be awesome and tasty. THANK YOU!


Cyndee said...

I have the South Beach Diet cookbook. (It's actually Shannon's)Do you want to borrow it?

Heidi R. Miller said...
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Heidi R. Miller said...

Also, do you guys have a crockpot?

Unknown said...

Need the recipes for cheesey fritatta, turkey meatloaf, Mexican casserole, meatsa, oatmeal raisin cookies and bean brownies ?

Megella said...

Yes we have a crockpot and I'm always wishing I knew recipes for it, because it would be so very nice to have dinner ready on when we get home on a busy evening. I believe I'm organized enough now that I can take care of that kind of stuff in the evening.

I have all the recipes you sent me this summer, Dad. That reminds me, we haven't had the Mexican lasagna in a while... anything else you've got, I'd love! Thank you!

CaitRenee said...

Firstly, I have no recipes except for this butternut squash glazed with sugar-free apple cider. But that probably isn't as good for you as I think.

B) I think I have to come visit on the 25th cause everytime I look at your blog lately, I get all choked up.

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