SO as I sit on my diabetic tush, munching on my green chile quiche and wishing I'd known that green chiles are WUSS chiles, (glad I brought the tabasco in my lunch box!), I'm hoping for some new recipes. You can only eat salad and quiche so many nights. I figure there are some really good cooks out there who I can ask to share the wealth.
I've gotten a few good ones from some folks already (Thanks Dad and Heidi!) but I always need more. Plus there the whole matter of Bob not eating anything that resembles a vegetable unless it's coated in cheese or dressing.
Please send me any good low-carb recipes you have. Links, email, or right here in the comments. That would be awesome and tasty. THANK YOU!
I have the South Beach Diet cookbook. (It's actually Shannon's)Do you want to borrow it?
Also, do you guys have a crockpot?
Need the recipes for cheesey fritatta, turkey meatloaf, Mexican casserole, meatsa, oatmeal raisin cookies and bean brownies ?
Yes we have a crockpot and I'm always wishing I knew recipes for it, because it would be so very nice to have dinner ready on when we get home on a busy evening. I believe I'm organized enough now that I can take care of that kind of stuff in the evening.
I have all the recipes you sent me this summer, Dad. That reminds me, we haven't had the Mexican lasagna in a while... anything else you've got, I'd love! Thank you!
Firstly, I have no recipes except for this butternut squash glazed with sugar-free apple cider. But that probably isn't as good for you as I think.
B) I think I have to come visit on the 25th cause everytime I look at your blog lately, I get all choked up.
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